History of Council Movement

14/08/2011 19:56

FMRAI, the national federation of all Medical and Sales Representatives’ Association of India was formed in year 1963. Since formation, the main demand of FMRAI was- coverage of I.D Act 1947 for all Sales Promotion Employees.  But, later, it was revealed that, to raise the issue of Charter of Demand, resolve the grievances of the field workers, company wise field worker consolidation is a first priority. Thus emerged the concept of council in the year 1972. In 1977, the modalities of formation and functioning of council and later in 1985, the main 5 points demands of council were finalized- which is popularly known as basic 5 cardinal demands of a council. Till today these five point demands are yardstick to assess the position of a council, even in this post globalization era. The main demands of the council are- Demand for Bargaining Rights, Demand for Trade union Right and Demand for Legal Rights. These attracted thousands of field workers across the country and as a result council were formed in many companies which has become a movemental platform for Sales Promotion employees.